

Associate Professor Dr. Stefan Greuter
Associate Professor Dr. Steffen P. Walz

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For many years, long before gamification became a term that was used to describe how turning a simple everyday task into a game to motivate people to do it, relied on manipulating the behaviour of individual, educators have looked at ways to make learning enjoyable and fun. Often this is with good intentions, i.e. we give children gold stars for submitting homework on time in the event that they submit it on time more regularly. However, a long debated issue with this kind of fun manipulation is that it has only short-term benefits, not to mention it may also impact the initial desire or intrinsic motivation - irrespective of the implement fun component - to begin with.

Imagine the world, where games align themselves with you, where playing your next game is an experience like the smell of fresh bread, going 100km per hour on a roller coaster, or whatever you find thrilling, exciting and enjoyable. In theory and practice, this is already happening with things like player profiling and modelling, but what about during the design process, what about when we want to find a game amongst the thousands, which are available? There are some things can help us along the way, demographics only tell us so much about where the user lives, and what he or she may be like, not necessarily what Jane likes in games in contrast to John.

Therefore, perfekt.ID is a project that is asking the question: “How can more personalised game and game-like applications be designed that align with a user’s preference towards games elements and game mechanics, game elements and game mechanics be mapped onto players to design more personalised games?”. To understand first the user and secondly how can a gamified system be designed in relation to the users personality and type of motion in order to increase intrinsic motivation? By investigating and identifying  the relationship between personality,  game elements and game mechanics, it is possible to design more personalise and highly customisable applications.


Your boring life-  Gamified  Melbourne Knowledge Week Workshop (2015)

PERSONAlise - Melbourne Knowledge Week Workshop (2014)



Bean, A. M., Ferro, L.S., Vissoci, J. R. N., & Rivero, T. (In Press). The persona of the video gamer: A five factor model.

Bean, A. M. & Ferro, L. S (In Press). Predictors of video game console aggression. Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences.

Ferro, Lauren S., MacKinnon, Philip;, Elliot, David., Poronnik, Philip : Development of interactive online scenario testing, International Student Selection in the Health Professions Conference (SSHPC)


Ferro, Lauren S., Walz, Steffen P., Greuter, Stefan: Gamicards – an alternative method for paper-prototyping the design of gamified systems. Long paper for the 2014 Interactive Conference on Entertainment Computing. Available Online


Ferro, Lauren S., Walz, Steffen P., Greuter, Stefan: Towards personalised, gamified systems: an investigation into game design, personality and player typologies. Long paper for the 2013 Interactive Entertainment conference. Available Online

Ferro, Lauren S., Walz, Steffen P.: Like this: How game elements in social media and collaboration are changing the flow of information. Short paper for the “Designing Gamification: Creating Gameful and Playful Experiences” workshop at CHI 2013. Available Online